Category: Motivation
Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say “We have done this ourselves.” Lao-Tsu, founder of Daoism
When is the tipping point?
The more I delve into organisational transformation and development, the more I realise that the ‘new way’ of working is not actually that new. The ideas and principles that underpin the Agile movement have been around for quite some time. Way back in 1969 you’ll find the following in the Industrial Management Review (Tannenbaum, Davies,…
Zone in to your comforts
You decided to get off the couch and get yourself to gym. But 6 months later you’re still doing the same exercises. You realised you couldn’t eat take-outs all your life and learnt to cook. A year on and you’re still only making the same 3 dishes. You started feeling out-of-date so decided to expand…
The next evolution
We’ve been evolving for years. Our genes have kept mutating, testing out combinations that may work better in our environment. The aim is for the organism to survive. Genes are selfish – they want the organism to survive at all costs so that they can survive and propagate. Evolution goes a bit further. Some organisms…
Lift up or bring down – you choose.
Overheard this conversation between 2 elderly men at gym: “How’s work going with you?” “Same shit, different day.” The conversation continued along this vein, both parties moaning about their daily work lives. This isn’t a unique case. It seems to be the norm to bitch and moan about work. Either it is really boring, mundane…
Making comparisons
We compare all the time. Ourselves against others – “Bob’s much better at public speaking than I am.” “I wish Matt would just clean up after himself like I do!” “I’ll never be able to run as fast as Magda.” Others against others – “Mike doesn’t cook as well as Molly.” “Sam’s better looking than…
New game, new rules.
We believe we can keep the order. We think we can regulate the world around us, control it, organize it to fit neatly into a construct that make sense to us, that we can understand and neatly categorize. We create processes and procedures to organize and optimize our lives, worshipping efficiency and speed above all…
It’s a choice you have
When you wake up, you could jump out of bed immediately and get going with the day ahead, or you could lie in trying to avoid the inevitable until the last possible moment. When you drive to work, you could lose your temper, working yourself into a frenzy about the terrible traffic and the awful…
It’s far easier to keep going than to start going again. If you’re doing something regularly, it’s become a habit and continuing to do it is relatively easy. If you stop however, you may struggle to start again.If it’s a short break, getting yourself motivated to start again may not be too tricky. Leave it…
There’s never enough of it. There are so many things to do, so much work to get done, so many projects to complete, but there never seems to be enough time to do it all. There are tasks on your task list that just seem to have been there forever. They’ve gathered so much dust…