Connecting the dots…

Author: Zayne

  • Manifesto – A work in progress, A workforce progressing

    We are each on personal journeys of mastery, learning and growing continuously. We take every opportunity to learn and practice our crafts. We congregate regularly with others on similar paths to share our learnings.   We all know what the company’s purpose is. We understand how the company’s purpose aligns to our individual purpose. We…

  • Quote of the day

    Everyone can look, but actually perceiving is something that has to be learned. Chimpanzee Politics – Frans de Waal

  • When is the tipping point?

    The more I delve into organisational transformation and development, the more I realise that the ‘new way’ of working is not actually that new. The ideas and principles that underpin the Agile movement have been around for quite some time. Way back in 1969 you’ll find the following in the Industrial Management Review (Tannenbaum, Davies,…

  • Quote of the day

    “I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.” ― Tom Waits

  • The unconscious, conscious

    Have you noticed how people sometimes look at their watches when asked when a particular future event is? This behavior doesn’t make sense – their watch will show them the current time, not the date of some future event. (I’m not talking about Smart watches here though – this behaviour has been around long before…

  • Simple pleasures

    Seek out the personal interactions.

  • The ladder is only one way up

    The corporate ladder only goes one way. Up. You would think it would go down too, but with all the jostling, pushing and fighting, the only way down is falling. The role of the next rung up is usually a manager of sorts. You do something well, so you’re promoted out of that role and…

  • Quote of the day

    “Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it” — Benedictus Spinoza, quoted by Viktor Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning

  • Always take the stairs – part 2

    A while ago a recommended to my readers to always take the stairs. Over last last year, every time I’d take the stairs from the car park at work up to the entrance of the building I’d feel an inner twinge of happiness for being different, for following a unique path. I was living up…

  • Quote of the day

    “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” — Alvin Toffler