Connecting the dots…

Author: Zayne

  • The boons and busts of assumptions

    I’m assuming we all know the choice phrase: “Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.” If you don’t, well there is the problem with assumptions right there. In my previous article I listed 8 behaviours that contribute to a high performing team. The first on that list is: Test assumptions and inferences. It’s first for…

  • What makes a good team?

    Communication is tough. Many of the issues that arise in the workplace relate to miscommunication in some form or another. We think we’re saying something but it’s being interpreted differently, or we are actually saying the wrong thing. Miscommunication can lead to an erosion of trust, which is crucial to a high performing team. Roger Schwartz…

  • Quote of the day

    As Samuel Johnson said of a widower remarrying soon after the end of an unhappy marriage, I exhibited “the triumph of hope over experience.” Triggers: Sparking positive change and making it last” by Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter –

  • Emotional sign posts

    Over the past few weeks I’ve become increasingly aware of how valuable our emotions can be for us.  I’m not talking about letting your emotions out instead of bottling them up inside. I’m talking about their use as indicators of the unconscious, sign posts along the way to a better understanding of ourselves. I recently…

  • Quote of the day

    “Your life consists entirely of the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle

  • Quote of the day

    “Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game, it is the game. — Louis Gerstner

  • Wasted cognition

    I came across this in Peter Diamandis’s Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think: “Wikipedia took one hundred million hours of volunteer time to create,” says [Clay] Shirky. “How do we measure this relative to other uses of time? Well, TV watching, which is the largest use of time, takes two hundred billion hours…

  • Quote of the day

    ‘The sweet potato does not need to say how sweet he is,’ – Maori proverb

  • The thin veneer

    You think by changing your process you’re going to change your business. You think that plastering post-its over the corporate beige walls will somehow make the corporate-think disappear. You think that agile is an ‘IT-thing’. You think innovation is great and you’re so glad your company has an innovation lab. You promise yourself that one…

  • Quote of the day

    Never let a good crisis go to waste. – Winston Churchill