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Category: Quotes

  • QOTD

    Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you. Welcome to Night Vale

  • QOTD

    The problem’s not that the truth is harsh but that liberation from ignorance is as painful as being born. Run after truth until you’re breathless. Accept the pain involved in recreating yourself afresh. These ideas will take a life to comprehend, a hard one interspersedwith drunken moments. Naguib MahfouzPalace of Desire

  • QOTD

    It has always been much easier (because it has always seemed much safer) to give a name to the evil without than to locate the terror within. James Baldwin

  • QOTD

    The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own. Frank Zappa

  • QOTD

    No one on his deathbed eversaid, “I Wish I had spent moretime on my business.” Paul Tsongas

  • QOTD

    We take almost all the decisivesteps in our lives as a result ofslight inner adjustments of whichwe are barely conscious. W.G Sebald

  • QOTD

    We are healed from sufferingonly by experiencing it to the full Marcel Proust

  • QOTD

    And yet if you look at a societythat sings and dances as aregular thing, it’s not that it hasan effect on their life– it is theirlife. Gary Snyder

  • QOTD

    The beginning of knowledge isthe discovery of something wedo not understand Frank Herbert

  • QOTD

    When you look at a corpse youcan always sense your ownbreath better. Zona Gale