Connecting the dots…

Author: Zayne

  • You’re in your blind spot

    We’re all biased. It’s the way evolution has shaped us, and it really isn’t (always) such a bad thing. These cognitive biases developed for good reasons, namely helping us to survive and thrive as a species. But the issue is that these biases are more suitable for the African savannah than for the urban jungle. These…

  • Quote of the day

    “Like most people who go on diets, most companies that go lean fool themselves into thinking that the change effort is a time-bounded exercise. The company just needs to eat less and exercise more for now. It doesn’t understand that if it is to stay lean, a company, like a person, has to live lean…

  • Quote of the day

    “Questions you cannot answer are usually far better for you than answers you cannot question.” “21 Lessons for the 21st Century” by Yuval Noah Harari –

  • Quote of the day

    There are 2 things I don’t like: change, and the way things are now.

  • Learning vs not

    I’m going to take a break from the series I’ve been writing for the last few posts. It’s not that I’m getting bored with it, but rather that I’ve had another realisation after attended another Servant Leadership course. And here it is. The 2 models that are contrasted in Servant Leadership are unilateral vs mutual…

  • Quote of the day

  • What is agility?

    Agile is the word on everybody’s lips these days. Everyone’s talking about ‘going agile’ or ‘being more agile’. But what does this actually mean? 

  • Quote of the day

    “Be stubborn on the vision, but flexible on the details.” —Jeff Bezos

  • For example…

    One of the issues that often arises in teamwork is that of terminology. You’re in a meeting explaining yourself using what you think are perfectly understandable words but after a bit of back and forth you realise that the others aren’t understanding what you’re saying in the way you mean it. Or worse, you don’t…

  • Flow the info

    In the last post I wrote about assumptions and their effect on team performance. One of the most basic assumptions you often encounter in teams is that others have the same information you do. Hence, the second principle: Share all relevant information Let’s take an example – the traditional requirements gathering phase. The Business Analyst…