Connecting the dots…

Author: Zayne

  • QOTD

    And yet if you look at a societythat sings and dances as aregular thing, it’s not that it hasan effect on their life– it is theirlife. Gary Snyder

  • QOTD

    The beginning of knowledge isthe discovery of something wedo not understand Frank Herbert

  • QOTD

    When you look at a corpse youcan always sense your ownbreath better. Zona Gale

  • Quote of the day

    Drink your tea slowly andreverently, as if it is the axis onwhich the world earth revolvesslowly, evenly, without rushingtoward the future. Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Looking outside again

    Looking outside againI find myself looking outside again,outwards into the worldfor words to describe what I feel,What I want to express.After a flurry of searching, of graspingAt the voices of others,The articulation, the timbre, the pace,I stop –Wait. Why others? Why not me?Surely I can pluck the wordsRipe from the branching neuronsof my blooming mind-orchard?Am…

  • Quote of the day

    There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only unexpected outcomes. Buckminster Fuller

  • Thought of the day

    “We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.” Edward O. Wilson

  • Rough Days

    Here’s a track from a while back. Thanks for Bruce Little for his great vocals!

  • Quote of the day

    Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. Tim Place.

  • Quote of the day

     I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.   —John Cage